Program Analysis
APB supports campus planning by providing standard and customized reports to individuals and groups charged with making policy decisions and reviewing academic programs. The staff commonly work with end users to identify issues, determine the questions that need to be answered, and select appropriate data sources to be used in the analysis. APB maintains its own historical database of enrollment and instructional activity, and can obtain data from other offices of record on campus. In addition, it can generate and enhance analyses using the results of student data collected by other research units across campus. Please see the menu at the left for links to reports and services supporting the planning process, as well as program approval, analysis, and review
For information on preparing and reviewing academic curricular proposals and other program guidelines, please see Academic Proposals on the UCLA Academic Senate website.
Summary Reports
APB publishes various Campus Statistics dashboards to support academic planning, program review, and decision making. An overview of these dashboards summarizes what is publicly available, how to access dashboards for internal users, and how to request custom data reports.
For more information, contact APB.
Enrollment Planning
Because state funding is tied to enrollment, projecting and reporting enrollment accurately is critical. APB plays a key role in enrollment planning at UCLA, analyzing enrollment trends, projecting enrollment growth, and acting as liaison between systemwide enrollment planners at the Office of the President and local enrollment planning. APB provides campus leaders with forecasts of continuing enrollment and analyses of various alternatives for shaping future enrollments to fit campus strategic goals. The alternatives may include varying admissions by headcount, level, term, or academic unit. The unit maintains an enrollment flow model that it uses for these analyses.
It also works closely with Undergraduate Admissions, Graduate Admissions, Summer Sessions, Student Housing, and the academic units to keep abreast of new policies and emerging issues that might need to be factored into analyses. Enrollment planning may also require forecasting the instructional workload impacts of different admissions scenarios. Finally, AIM assists in developing and monitoring enrollment information related to the campus long-range development plan.
APB also provides analyses of potential changes in enrollment management policies. "Enrollment management" can entail admissions requirements, financial support rules and allocation methodologies, unit load policies, general education requirements, and other factors that influence enrollment and retention.